Here is a list of general questions and answers for interview of Python in Information Technology. Request our users to send us new questions and answers to be added in this list that will be helpful for other users. Please email your queries and other information at
Python Interview Questions and Answers
What is Python?
Why Python?
What type of language is Python?
What kinds of applications can Python be used for?
What are the advantages / benefits of Python?
What are keywords in python?
What are the key features of Python?
What are the key features of the Python version?
Explain the differences between Python 2.x and Python 3.x?
Is Python case sensitive?
How to install Python on Windows and set path variables?
Is it necessary to indent in Python?
On Unix, how do you make a Python script executable?
What is the use of self in Python?
What is the difference between a Mutable datatype and an Immutable data type?
What is PEP 8?
How are arguments passed by value or by reference in Python?
What are the literals in Python?
What are the types of literals in Python?
Explain Python packages.
What are built-in types of Python?
How will you capitalize the first letter of string?
What method will you use to convert a string to all lowercase?
In Python, how do you remark numerous lines?
What is the purpose of ‘not’, ‘is’, and ‘in’ operators?
Is Python a compiled language or an interpreted language?
What does the ‘#’ symbol do in Python?
Describe the Python Functions?
What is zip() capability in Python?
What is Python’s paramter passing system?
In Python, how do you overload methods or constructors?
What is the difference between remove() function and del statement?
What is swapcase() function in Python?
How to remove whitespaces from a string in Python?
How to remove leading whitespaces from a string in the Python?
Why do we use join() function in Python?
Give an example of shuffle() method?
What is a break, continue, and pass in Python?
What is tuple in python?
What are the different file processing modes supported by Python?
What is an operator in Python?
What are Built-in data types in Python?
What are the different types of operators in Python?
How to create a Unicode string in Python?
How do you floor a number in Python?
What is the difference between xrange and range functions?
Is Python interpreted language?
How is memory managed in Python?
What is the Python decorator?
What is the “pymalloc” algorithm?
What are the rules for a local and global variable in Python?
What are iterators in Python?
What is a generator in Python?
What is slicing in Python?
What is the difference between a Set and Dictionary?
What is Pass in Python?
What Is the Purpose of the Pass Statement?
Explain docstring in Python?
What is Dictionary Comprehension? Give an Example
What is a negative index in Python and why are they used?
What is pickling and unpickling in Python?
What is monkey patching in Python?
Which programming language is a good choice between Java and Python?
Write a code to display the current time?
What is the usage of help() and dir() function in Python?
How Python does Compile-time and Run-time code checking?
What is List Comprehension? Give an Example.
What is Python Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)?
What are Function Annotations in Python?
What is the shortest method to open a text file and display its content?
What are Access Specifiers in Python?
What are unit tests in Python?
What is the shortest method to open a text file and display its content?
What is Python Switch Statement
What is Walrus Operator?
What Does the ‘is’ Operator Do?
Give the output of this example: A[3] if A=[1,4,6,7,9,66,4,94].
Explain how can you make a Python Script executable on Unix?
Give the output of this example: A[3] if A=[1,4,6,7,9,66,4,94].
How to send an email in Python Language?
Is there an inherent do-while loop in Python?
What is the difference between Python Arrays and lists?
What is the best way to add values to a Python array?
What is the best way to remove values from a Python array?
Is there an object-oriented Programming (OOps) concept in Python?
Explain the differences between lists and tuples in Python.
Is Tuple Comprehension? If yes, how, and if not why?
Can you tell me about the usage of Lists and Tuples in Python?
What is the difference between `==` and `is` in Python?
What is the difference between / and // in Python?
How is Exceptional handling done in Python?
Difference between for loop and while loop in Python
How are classes created in Python?
How do you handle exceptions in Python?
What are context managers and the `with` statement in Python?
What are metaclasses in Python?
Can we Pass a function as an argument in Python?
What is lambda function in Python?
Why do lambda forms in Python not have the statements?
What are functions in Python?
What are *args and *kwargs?
What is __init__?
Is Indentation Required in Python?
What is Scope in Python?
What is self in Python?
How do you copy an object in Python?
Why is finalize used?
Differentiate between new and override modifiers.
Is it possible to call parent class without its instance creation?
How do you access parent members in the child class?
In Python, how can you generate random numbers?
What are Python’s generators and the `yield` keyword?
What is the difference between `__str__` and `__repr__` in Python?
What is the difference between `staticmethod`, `classmethod`, and instance methods in Python?
What is the purpose of the `__call__` method in Python?
What is the purpose of the `__slots__` attribute in Python?
What is the difference between `iter()` and `next()` functions in Python?
What is the purpose of the `collections` module in Python?
What is the purpose of the `functools` module in Python?
What is the purpose of the `itertools` module in Python?
What is the purpose of the `os` and `sys` modules in Python?
What is the purpose of the `re` module in Python?
What are Python namespaces? Why are they used?
What is the difference between .py and .pyc files?
What is a dynamically typed language?
What are modules in Python? Name a few regularly utilized worked in modules in Python?
What is the difference between a shallow copy and a deep copy?
Which sorting technique is used by sort() and sorted() functions of python?
What benefits do NumPy exhibits offer over (nested) Python records?
What are Generators in Python?
Mention what the Django templates consist of.
Is Django better as compared to Flask?
Differentiate between Pyramid, Django, and Flask.
What is the use of sessions in the Django framework?
How does inheritance work in python? Explain it with an example.
What are the different types of inheritance in Python?
Does Python supports multiple Inheritance?
What is Polymorphism in Python?
What are Decorators?
How do you debug a Python program?
Define encapsulation in Python?
How do you do data abstraction in Python?
How to delete a file using Python?
What is PIP?
How Is Multithreading Achieved in Python?
What is the purpose of the `threading` and `multiprocessing` modules in Python?
What Advantage Does the Numpy Array Have over a Nested List?
How Will You Check If All the Characters in a String Are Alphanumeric?
How Will You Merge Elements in a Sequence?
How Would You Remove All Leading Whitespace in a String?
How Would You Replace All Occurrences of a Substring with a New String?
What Is the Difference Between Del and Remove() on Lists?
How Do You Display the Contents of a Text File in Reverse Order?
Differentiate Between append() and extend().
What Is the Output of the below Code? Justify Your Answer.
How Do You Use Print() Without the Newline?
How Do You Use the Split() Function in Python?
Is Python Object-oriented or Functional Programming?
Write a Function Prototype That Takes a Variable Number of Arguments.
“in Python, Functions Are First-class Objects.” What Do You Infer from This?
What Is the Output Of: Print(__name__)? Justify Your Answer.
What Is the Difference Between Matrices and Arrays?
You Have Uploaded the Dataset in Csv Format on Google Spreadsheet and Shared It Publicly. How Can You Access This in Python?
What Is the Difference Between the Two Data Series given Below?
How Can You Copy Objects in Python?
How Can You Check Whether a Pandas Dataframe Is Empty or Not?
Write a program that checks if all of the numbers in a sequence are unique.
What are loops in Python? How do you write a nested for loop program?
Write a program in Python to find the largest and second-largest element in a list using Python?
Create a Python program that will print the highest sequence of 1s in an array of 0s and 1s?
Write a function to output separate lists containing even and odd elements from a given array.
Create a Python program to depict the functioning of stacks and queues?
Write a Python program to print a list of primes in a given range.
What are collections? What is the significance of collections in Python?
Write a program to check even odd numbers using shorthand if else statements.
Write a Python program that removes duplicates from a list?
What is method overriding? Explain with an example in Python?
What is String Manipulation, Give a few examples.
What is the method to write comments in Python?
What do you understand by the word Tkinter?
Is Python fully object-oriented?
Differentiate between NumPy and SciPy?
Explain all file processing modes supported in Python?
What do file-related modules in Python do? Can you name some file-related modules in Python?
Explain the use of the ‘with’ statement and its syntax?
Write a code to display the contents of a file in reverse?
Write a command to open the file c:\hello.txt for writing?
What does len() do?
What is the process for appending values to a Python array?
What is the procedure for deleting values from a Python array?
Write a code to sort a numerical list in Python?
How will you remove the last object from a list in Python?
Explain how to convert a string to all lowercase?
What benefits do NumPy arrays provide compared to (nested) Python lists?
How can you shuffle the elements of a list in Python?
What is a map function in Python?
Why doesn’t Python deallocate all memory upon exit?
What is regression?
What is classification?
Write a program in Python to execute the Bubble sort algorithm?
Create a Python sorting algorithm for a dataset of numbers?
Write a Program to print ASCII Value of a character in Python?
Python Pandas Interview Questions
Can you get items of series A that are not available in another series B?
While importing data from different sources, can the pandas library recognize dates?
Which Python Library Is Built on Top of Matplotlib and Pandas to Ease Data Plotting?
How will you get the items that are not common to both the given series A and B?
How will you delete indices, rows and columns from a dataframe?
How to add new column to pandas dataframe?
What do you understand by reindexing in pandas?
How will you identify and deal with missing values in a dataframe?
Can you create a series from the dictionary object in pandas?
How will you combine different pandas dataframes?
Define pandas dataframe.
What do you know about pandas?
How to combine dataframes in Pandas?
Write a Python program to generate a Star triangle.
Write a program to produce the Fibonacci series in Python.
Make a Python program that checks if a sequence is a Palindrome.
What is file handling in Python? What are the various file-handling operations in Python?
Make a one-liner that counts how many capital letters are in a file. Even if the file is too large to fit in memory, your code should work.
Can you write a sorting algorithm with a numerical dataset?
Check code given below, list the final value of A0, A1 …An.
What is Flask and explain its benefits.
Python Numpy Interview Questions
How will you reverse the numpy array using one line of code?
How will you find the nearest value in a given numpy array?
How Do You Get Indices of N Maximum Values in a Numpy Array?
Write a Code to Sort an Array in Numpy by the (N-1)Th Column.
How Do You Create a Series from a List, Numpy Array, and Dictionary?
How Do You Keep Only the Top Two Most Frequent Values as It Is and Replace Everything Else as ‘other’ in a Series?
How Do You Find the Positions of Numbers That Are Multiples of Three from a Series?
How Do You Compute the Euclidean Distance Between Two Series?
How Do You Reverse the Rows of a Data Frame?
If You Split Your Data into Train/Test Splits, Is It Possible to over Fit Your Model?
How will you sort the array based on the Nth column?
How will you read CSV data into an array in NumPy?
How will you efficiently load data from a text file?
You are given a numpy array and a new column as inputs. How will you delete the second column and replace the column with a new column value?
What are the steps to create 1D, 2D and 3D arrays?
How are NumPy arrays advantageous over python lists?
What do you understand by NumPy?
How will you find the shape of any given NumPy array?
Python Programming Examples
How will you access the dataset of a publicly shared spreadsheet in CSV format stored in Google Drive?
Write a Program to combine two different dictionaries. While combining, if you find the same keys, you can add the values of these same keys. Output the new dictionary
Write a Program to convert date from yyyy-mm-dd format to dd-mm-yyyy format.
Write a Program to match a string that has the letter ‘a’ followed by 4 to 8 ‘b’s.
Write a Program to solve the given equation assuming that a,b,c,m,n,o are constants.
Write a Program to add two integers >0 without using the plus operator.
Write a program to check and return the pairs of a given array A whose sum value is equal to a target value N.
Write a program for counting the number of every character of a given text file.
WAP (Write a program) which takes a sequence of numbers and check if all numbers are unique.
Write python function which takes a variable number of arguments.
Why would you use NumPy arrays instead of lists in Python?
How can you use Python libraries for web scraping?
How do you identify missing values and deal with missing values in Dataframe?
Create a palindrome checker using Python. Using item assignment to an empty array?
Write a Python program that will print the length of an array without using the len() function?
Write a program to find the greatest of the two numbers?
What is the easiest way to calculate percentiles when using Python?
Write a Python program to check whether a given string is a palindrome or not, without using an iterative method?
Write a Python program to calculate the sum of a list of numbers?
Write a program to find the greatest of the two numbers?
Write a Python program to check if the given input is an Armstrong number or not?
Create a Python program to depict list comprehension?
Create a Python program that will depict dictionary comprehension in Python?
Write a Python program to show abstraction in Python?
What is a regular expression, and how do you use it in Python?
What are character classes in regular expressions?
How do you use multi-line comments in Python?
What is exception handling? How do you handle exceptions in Python?
Write a Python program to print a pyramid asterisk pattern in Python?